Career Daily Management

Career Daily Management is a real-time dashboard that automatically pulls data from Oracle and the Career Portal. Accessing Career Daily Management is done by the use of single login through myDevelopment. It helps with the associate development plans that we all have with all of our direct reports to make sure that we understand where they want to go into business and how we can help them to get there. It is going to help you focus your training on particular needs both your needs as the area manager but also the needs of the associate to make sure that he or she is able to meet their career aspirations. Finally, it serves as a great aid for using in succession planning for key roles in your organization.

It is also important to know that the tool is not a replacement for the career portal and it is not a replacement for performance management. The dashboard is simply able to pull information and competencies and leadership anchors from Career Portal so that it is unified approach when looking as an associates performance or a teams’ skill set. It is not a performance rating tool however it is a great source of information that can be used when having performance discussions on working in upcoming projects.

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